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Kenai RIver Rainbow Trout Fishing

"Game fish are too valuable to be caught only once." - Lee Wulff

Alaska Trout Fishing ~ Alaska Char Fishing ~ Alaska Fly Fishing

Kenai River Trout Fishing ~ Cooper Landing Trout Fishing

Guided Rainbow Trout and Dolly Varden Char Fishing

​The cold clean rivers of Alaska are home to abundant populations of hard fighting native trout and char.  Alaska trout fishing is some of the best in the world and Kenai Peninsula trout fishing in some of the best in Alaska.  Come fish some of the world’s best trout water with your Alaska trout fishing guide Mike Adams.


While most anglers are familiar with rainbows, dolly varden and arctic char are unique to the northern latitudes.  Char is a family of fish closely resembling trout in appearance and habit and they are often mistaken for them.  Many of the species fishermen have come to call trout are actually char including brook trout, lake trout and bull trout.


Kenai Peninsula dolly varden fishing is perhaps best in the fall when char become brilliantly colored with red, black and white bellies, black gill covers, bright orange to red spots, and bright orange and black fins with a bright-white leading edge.  Males also develop a strongly-hooked jaw (kype).  Because these species share the same habitat and the same food sources when we refer to guided Alaska trout fishing, we really mean guided Alaska trout and char fishing.


At Alaskan Angling Adventures we would like to be your Alaska trout fishing guide.  Our rare permits let us focus on the most productive waters on our guided trout fishing trips.  Full and half day guided Kenai River drift boat fishing trips and hike and wade guided fly fishing trips are available daily from June 11 –October 31.


Our drifters dream packages available on our Inclusive Multi-Day Packages page are also a great choice for multiple days of fishing, giving you the best chance at landing a "Kenai hog".  Choose your favorite option from the variety of great Alaska trout fishing charters listed below or let us decide where to fish based on the conditions when you are here.  All trout and char are strictly catch and release.  Availability is limited so plan ahead and reserve your trip today!

Run Timing

Kenai River trout fishing

Dolly Varden Char Fishing

Season: June 11 - April 1

Peaks: June 11 - June 25

August 13 - October 25

Cooper Landing trout fishing

Rainbow Trout Fishing

Season: June 11 - April 1

Peaks: June 11 - June 25

August 13 - October 25

Kenai River Trout Fishing

Kenai River trout fishing is renowned as some of the world’s best.  Trophy Kenai River rainbows can exceed 30 inches in length and weigh over 10 pounds.  The secret to success here is a great Kenai River fishing guide.


The Kenai is a free flowing glacial river and  flows, visibility and temperatures fluctuate throughout the year based on snow and glacial melt, rain and glacial ice dam water releases.


The Kenai River is over 80 miles long beginning in rural Cooper Landing Alaska where it flows out of Kenai Lake and ending in the town of Kenai where it enters Cook Inlet.  As your Kenai River fishing guide service we have permits to fish the entire 80 miles.  Our Kenai River trout fishing trips focus on the best waters of the upper and middle Kenai River.


The river valley was glacially carved and the river bottom is nearly continuous glacial gravel and boulders creating ideal habitat for trout and char and ideal spawning habitat for the four species of Pacific salmon that spend part of their lives in the Kenai River system.  These salmon and the food they provide are the secret to the incredible trout and char fishing.  This makes for excellent Kenai River fly fishing and light tackle spin fishing on our guided Kenai River trout fishing trips.


Our Kenai River trout fishing charters book up early, so give us a call and let’s reserve the best dates for your Kenai River trout trip today!

Cooper Landing Trout Fishing
Guided Upper Kenai River Fishing Trips
Cooper Landing Trout Fishing
Dolly Varden Char
Cooper Landing Rainbow
Cooper Landing Trout FIshing
Upper Kenai Rainbow
Upper Kenai Dolly Varden
Upper Kenai Trout Fishing

Come on a guided drift boat fishing trip in Cooper Landing and experience the incredible beauty of the Kenai River valley.  Cooper Landing fly fishing and light tackle spin fishing for rainbow trout is no secret  It is one of the best guided trout fishing destinations in Alaska.


Trout and char here grow quickly with a diet that is centered around the massive deposits of eggs and flesh that occur with the annual salmon migration, reaching trophy class (20 inches) at about 7 years old.


The upper Kenai River in Cooper Landing passes through the Chugach National Forest, the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge and finally through the Kenai Canyon and into Skilak Lake.  At Alaskan Angling Adventures this is our backyard.


Our Cooper Landing trout fishing trips focus on the best water at the best times.  With no motors to distract us from the nature around us upper Kenai River trout fishing brings many of our guests back year after year.  It is not just the excellent Alaska trout fishing that makes our upper Kenai River fishing trips so popular, it is the entire experience.


Come for a guided Cooper Landing fishing trip and discover why people return year after year!

Shared Boat Trip

Full Day $325 per person ~ Half Day $225 per person

Private Boat Full Day Trip

(1-2 Anglers) $935 ~ (3 Anglers) $1200 ~ (4 Anglers) $1300

Private Boat Kenai Canyon Trip

(1-2 Anglers) $1050 ~ (3 Anglers) $1300

Private Boat Half Day Trip

(1-2 Anglers) $675 ~ (3-4 Anglers) $900

Inclusive Multi-Day Packages Available

Hike and Wade Fly Fishing
Russian River Rainbow Trout
Russian River
Russian River Fly Fishing
Russian River Trout Fishing
Russian River Trout Fishing
Russian RIver Rainbow Trout
Russian River Fishing
Cooper Landing Fly Fishing

Guided hike and wade fishing trips are a great way to get experience the many smaller rivers of the Kenai Peninsula.  It is on these guided fishing trips that we are most likely to see bears and the experience of fishing a small river immersed in nature creates unforgettable memories.


The Russian River is probably the most famous of all the Kenai River tributaries.  Located near the beautiful town of Cooper Landing a Russian River fly fishing trip is as local as it gets for Cooper Landing fishing guide Mike Adams.

The Russian is known as an excellent Alaska fly fishing destination around the world.  Most famous for the prolific Russian River red salmon runs it is also an excellent trout fishing river.


A classic trout stream, the Russian is silt free and the water often runs gin clear.  This freestone river often offers greater opportunities for summer guided dry fly fishing trips than the siltier waters of the Kenai River.


Fall Cooper Landing fly fishing for trout is centered around the incredible amount of salmon spawning activity.  Rainbow trout and dolly varden char follow the salmon to their spawning beds and a feeding frenzy ensues.  Knowing which rivers to fish and when is the key, and the local knowledge of your Cooper Landing guide is the answer.

Private Full Day Trip

(1-2 Anglers) $935 ~ (3 Anglers) $1200

(4 Anglers) $1300

Private 6hr Trip

(1-2 Anglers) $825 ~ (3 Anglers) $935

(4 Anglers) $1045

Inclusive Multi-Day Packages Available

Sterling Alaska Trout and Char Fishing
Trout Fishing on the Middle Kenai River
Kenai RIver Fly Fishing
Kenai River Rainbow Fishing
Kenai River Trout
Alaska Rainbow Trout
Kenai River Trout Fishing
Kenai River Rainbow
Kenai River Rainbow
Kenai River Fly Fishing

The middle Kenai River is a great choice for a guided trout fishing trip and this stretch of water harbors some of the largest trout in the Kenai system.


Our middle Kenai River guided fishing charters focus on the stretch of river between Skilak Lake (in the heart of the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge) and Bings Landing in Sterling, Alaska.  Motors are allowed on this 12 mile stretch so we use an outboard to cross the lake and to return upstream to fish again over the best spots.

The river surface here is less descript than the upper Kenai but do not be fooled, the river bottom is diverse and immense gravel bars are created, moved and recreated by spawning salmon and by the river itself.

The river is deceptively shallow usually no more than 8 feet deep in the channel.  The knowledge of your Kenai River fishing guide makes all the difference here.


We often see harbor seals chasing Kenai River salmon upstream in the fall and wildlife abounds in the wildlife refuge.  Come experience trout fishing on the middle Kenai River on a guided fishing trip with Alaskan Angling Adventures!

Shared Boat Full Day Trip

$325 per person

​Private Boat Full Day Trip

(1-2 Anglers) $935 ~ (3 Anglers) $1200 ~ (4 Anglers) $1300

Inclusive Multi-Day Packages Available

Alaska Steelhead Fishing
Fishing for Steelhead  in Alaska
Steelhead Trout
Alaska Steelhead Fishing
Alaska Steelhead
Alaska Steelhead Fishing
Alaska Steelhead
Kenai RIver Steelhead
Steelhead Fly Fishing

Steelhead are notoriously challenging to catch and a guided steelhead fishing trip is not for everyone.  If you are interested in taking an Alaska steelhead fishing trip contact us today for more details!


Several Kenai Peninsula rivers, including the Kenai, do have sea run trout (steelhead) and char runs.  Kenai Peninsula steelhead are primarily a fall run fish overwintering in fresh water and returning to the ocean in the spring after spawning.


Many smaller Kenai Peninsula streams have an annual steelhead return as does the Kasilof River and to a lesser extent the Kenai River.  Steelhead fishing closes on most peninsula rivers on November 1 to reduce pressure on overwintering fish making September and October an ideal time for a guided steelhead fishing trip.

​Contact Us for Details

Inclusive Multi-Day Packages Available

PO Box 847

Cooper Landing, AK 99572


Copyright © 2017-2025 All content, including photos and written content are protected by International Copyright and are the property of Alaskan Angling Adventures LLC.  All rights reserved by Alaskan Angling Adventures LLC.  Alaskan Angling Adventures LLC. operates under permits from the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Chugach National Forest, Department of Natural Resources, Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the US Forest Service.  Alaskan Angling Adventures LLC. is an equal opportunity provider.

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